By Chickster
If you’ve decided it’s probably best to stay home (when possible) to avoid getting COVID-19, here are some tips for going remote:
Remote living
Get food delivered
Amazon, H-E-B, InstaCart, Shipt and Walmart deliver groceries right to your door. (Safety tips.)
Freeze your gym membership. You can do this at 24 Hour Fitness, OrangeTheory and many others.
Work out at home with DVDs or Blue-rays. Extra points if you actually have a VHS player, and the video features ‘90s (or ‘80s) outfits and hair.
Stream a workout. Amazon Prime and YouTube have great ones.
Use exercise apps. There are so many to choose from, but I enjoy the free workouts offered by the 24Go and FitBit apps.
Jog or walk. Bring a dog if you have one, or even a leash-loving cat.
Learn online for free with Coursera, CreativeLive or edX. Socialize
Remote working
Learn the software. 8x8, GoToMeeting and Microsoft Teams are popular apps for remote work, the last of which is offering free memberships for those who have found themselves working remotely unexpectedly.
Have a good set-up. You need a comfortable chair, a desk and good lighting. Natural lighting is best, so open the blinds.
Limit distractions. Save all chores for after hours. If your dog sits and stares at you until you pet her, put her comfy bed in the hallway and close the door until you’re done for the day. (Or get really good at typing with one hand.)
Make a schedule. I like to use Trello, but pen and paper will work just as well.
Wear the usual. Know the saying, “Don’t wear anything you’d be embarrassed to be caught in during a fire”? Well, don’t wear anything you wouldn’t want your boss to see during an unexpected video chat. You should get dressed in what you’d normally wear to work (unless your company has issued an ongoing “causal Friday” dress code for the moment, as some have), and still put on any makeup you normally wear. You don’t want to look unprofessional.
Don’t sit all day. If you can stand, cycle under your desk or sit on a workout ball, do it.
Don’t forget to eat. Take a lunch break, and don’t rush it. The Naturally Slim program recommends taking 25 minutes to eat with a 5-minute break in the middle to aid digestion and weight loss.
Set hours and keep to them. When you’re home, you may find it hard to stop working, since you don’t have to beat traffic, but it’s important to start and stop at the times you’ve set. More work will always be there tomorrow.
Disclaimer: This is opinion and should not be substituted for medical advice.