By Kelly
If you’re looking for something Christmas-y to watch this holiday season, we’ve vetted a few Christmas movies and episodes, so you don’t have to.
On Netflix
The “Winter” episode of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, if you haven’t already. (I suspect you have, especially if you’re a regular of this blog.)
12 Dates of Christmas is pretty solid. It’s Groundhog Day except with Amy Smart, Christmas and Zack Morris.
The “White Christmas” episode of Black Mirror, if you’re in the mood for something really dark.
Use this list from Bustle if you really wanna dive in.
On Hallmark Channel
The Nine Lives of Christmas. This is my new cheesy-Christmas-movie favorite. The Atom from The Flash plays a fireman who gets close to a vet because their cats become best friends. I mean, firemen and cats? This movie knows it’s demographic.
Family for Christmas. Like Family Man, but with one of the chicks from Mean Girls.
See their whole Countdown to Christmas.
On Up
A Puppy for Christmas. I haven’t even finished watching this one yet, but it has the werewolf from Bitten and a puppy, so….